1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Urgent Intelligence


Deliver the Field report to Francis Sharpe in Asheran.


After your exploits in the field, it pains me to do so but I need an urgent message delivered to the heads back home. I'm forced to send you because things are just that chaotic at the moment. However, it's not all bad; this will give them a chance to see the hero I've been touting in my reports face to face. Deliver this report and follow whatever orders they have for you. No doubt it will be important and help your career in this war to boot.


  • Renown (Renown Level 14)


Snap to solder!
Ah, so you're the Hungry Ghost I've read so much about in the current field reports? Well then, it seems our current tactics will be in good hand after all. Return to your commander and tell him I've got the message well in hand.


  • None


  • 145 renown 
  • 25
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Making the Rounds
  2. Rest in Pieces
  3. Final Salute
  4. Testing Security
  5. Urgent Intelligence
  6. No Quarter