1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Safety First


Collect one Lumber Bundle and one Iron Lump.


The purpose of the keep is to house units in hostile territory, provide relief for the surrounding area from natural disasters and enemies, and allow troops to move into and off the battlefield safely. Naturally, this makes them high profile targets for the opposing army, but that's what these strong walls and doors are for. I want you to go out and collect more of the materials we use to patch and repair the very walls that keep the troops safe and able to perform their duties.



Wall of stone to break their bones.
Excellent work trooper; the more materials we have on hand, the faster we can maintain our secure walls.


  • None


  • 1200 renown 
  • 30
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Type: Daily
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes