1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Special Lumber


Bring Ma'thesil ten Exceptional Branches from the Treebarq near Darcian


It is good to see another smart and brave one join the Reconstruction. As you know, when Ouroban returned from the Pilgrimage and brought us the Gifts from beyond the Infinite Circle many things that were hidden from us came to light. One of these things led us to learn about different materials, including wood. Near the forests around Darcian are the Treebarq, a race of plant creatures that seem hostile to others and we have learned that their bodies make exceptional lumber when treated properly. Bring me some of this lumber for us while reducing the number of these creatures; they tend to attack our Gatherers while they forage the surrounding area so this is doubly beneficial. Feri-los Et'al Traveler.
All the things that may beyond the Circle…can you imagine?
Excellent work Traveler. These materials will go a long way towards securing our position here.



  • 500 experience
  • 10
Quest Facts

- Level: 2
- Requires level 2
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Special Lumber
  2. Strong as Iron
  3. Signs of Intelligence