1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Cutting the Strings


Kill the necromancer behind the undead scourge of the north, Grinning-Skull the Bonedancer.


With the chaos outside, our Agents have been able to slip through the enemy lines much easier and we have found the puppet master behind the attacks against Osmaneire. Some gnoll necromancer of great power has been behind the suffering death we've endured. It's time to cut the strings of this evil master of the dead and let our citizens find some peace; both the living and the dead.
To think a tribal gnoll could hold such terrible power, it is wise the gods have forbidden necromancy.
You are a blessing made flesh Navigator. With your help, the souls of our fallen brothers and sisters can now rest, while the citizens of Osmaneire can stop having nightmares about wandering the desert wastes as part of an eternal army.



  • 26380 experience
  • 2 85
Quest Facts

- Level: 19
- Requires level 15
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. The Frozen Army
  2. Orchestra of Death
  3. An Unrelenting Nightmare
  4. Denial of the Dead
  5. Cutting the Strings