1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Godlings


Destroy the eight Strange Stone Idols worshiped by the Sprog and Nidgit tribes.


From what little we can gather about these two bizarre tribes, they worship anything and everything if they believe it will gain them even the slightest bit of power. Our Agents and Savants have come to the conclusion that someone may be using this to their advantage. Some recently constructed stone idols have been spotted in their territory. Let's remove them for the time being and see what commotion that stirs.
Worshiping rocks of all things. Could there be anything more pathetic than these two tribes?
Now that those odd things have been dealt with we'll be keeping an eye out for the craftsman or creator of any replacements while we deal with the task in front of us.



  • 19840 experience
  • 2 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 16
- Requires level 15
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Tribes of the Tundra
  2. The Godlings
  3. Superstition and Faith
  4. Life of Sacrifice
  5. Secrets of the Tribe