1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Masters and Leaders


Kill Winterwind the Howler and One-eye Rimepaw and bring their trophies to Quartermaster Hal'li.


While certainly not common, it seems the pack and sleuth leaders themselves have decided to come out for the hunt this time. While I guess they are not too old to continue their roles as masters of all they survey, they are getting a little too clever in their years and we should get them to step down and let the next generation take the lead. It's our duty to retire them both and put their lives to use for the good of the Mih'ver. Fight with all you have Navigator, they will be doing the same.
A fight to the death, but honorably and with no pretense. If only all our battles were so straight forward.
While their deaths marks the end of a generation of clever hunters, their lives will be used to help us win our independence from the Kujix and the Asharr and finally change to fate of Alganon. Thank you.



  • 26380 experience
  • 2 85
Quest Facts

- Level: 19
- Requires level 15
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Pack and Sleuth
  2. Clearing a Path
  3. Territory of the Fanged
  4. Warmth for the Winter
  5. Masters and Leaders