1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Wrath of the Forgotten


Kill the three High Priests of the Temple of Despair, Baalgaz the Terrible, Baalgaz the Cruel, and Baalgaz the Fiend.


Not far from the temple you investigated there is a camp that has been constructed for the sole purpose of housing the High Priests of these people. Go forth Navigator and slay the three High Priests of the Temple of Despair. If left unchecked, these three could continue to raise an army of zealots against us and we must stop them before that happens. Also, it might serve to draw out their so-called god. We will need to deal with it one way or another. Tread carefully Navigator, even I am not certain what could happen if we're not careful.
Something doesn't feel quite right, but what could it be?
While I am glad that we have eliminated those corrupt heretics, but it seems we've been had.


  • None


  • 20100 experience
  • 2 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 18
- Requires level 15
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Worship in the Wild
  2. Testing the Faithful
  3. Temple of Despair
  4. Wrath of the Forgotten
  5. The Face of Power and Fear