1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

March of the Vengeful


Collect six Rune-pinned Femurs from Marching Zombies or Skeletal Troopers.


It's obvious that these undead are coming from the swamps to the west. However, our Savants have concluded that the stronger undead require more precise control from the necromancers or they can easily turn on their creators. Some investigation on our part has given us a clue to finding out where they are hiding. To finish our hunt, they need some specific parts of these undead soldiers as these seem to be able to channel the magic needed to keep them on a leash.
Even the largest army cam be chipped away at.
Excellent work Voyager. With these our Savants will find the location of the puppet masters behind these attacks.



  • 81440 experience
  • 8 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 24
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Garden of Death
  2. Silent and Deadly
  3. March of the Vengeful
  4. Necromancers United
  5. Horror of the Plains