1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Setting the Bait


Travel to the Kujix Command camp and crush the Kujix there. Recover the Kujix battle banners for Lieutenant Ha'ki.


Now that the Kujix are marching blindly toward their deaths, we will need to use this opportunity to set a trap for the Asharr forces. You see, despite their efforts to work together towards our defeat at Matma'el, they have never truly trusted one another and we will use this mutual hatred to our advantage. We must sweep into the Kujix camp and crush their forces swiftly. With that done, bring me their battle banners and we will be able to move against the Asharr using their hate and fear to mire them down here in the marshlands of Aeon.
The Kujix are vital to our trap against the Asharr.
Well done Exemplar. Our Agents will make the preparations using these banners as 'evidence' against the Kujix. Let us move on to the next step.


  • None


  • 56700 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 32
- Requires level 30
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Strangers in a Strange Land
  2. Invasion Forces
  3. Setting the Bait
  4. Springing the Trap
  5. End of the Hunt