1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Signs of the Past


Defeat Arow'zi and Xu-tal Tribesmen and collect ten Weird Tribal Relics for Savant Yahtik.


Exemplar, your timing is quite fortunate. Our studies have come to a proverbial dead-end and some assistance is required to continue. We have been studying the wild tribes that have survived here on Aeon for generations, without ever knowing the support of their own gods. Fascinating isn't it? That aside however, they have proven quite a nuisance in our progress as the new dominate force on Aeon, and they are slowing our progress. We Savants are always looking for more information before we can understand something fully, and this is where you can help. I need you to collect some of their tribal relics. Perhaps we can figure out how they have replaced the loss of divine power with, well whatever they have now.
Study is the first form of understanding.
With these samples, we should be able to progress forward in our studies. Now for some more field work Exemplar.


  • None


  • 48960 experience
  • 10 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 30
- Requires level 30
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Signs of the Past
  2. Seeking the Truth
  3. Faith and the Faithless
  4. The Power of Nature
  5. Nexus of Worship