1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Guardians of the Great Swamp


Speak with the Frognar Chieftain, Kraak'Gar.


    Salutations Exemplar. The swamps of Aeon house many strange creatures and peoples, but perhaps none quite as strange as the Frognar. While they are normally a warmongering species, they have kept neutral relations with us in the past due to the war between the two Frognar tribes living in the Saltmarsh of Alta'ya keeping them preoccupied. However, something quite unexpected must have shifted the balance recently. Not only have the Glu-glu Tribe become hostile to our fishermen, but we've been approached by the Shim'bur Tribe for assistance. It seems the Shim'bur are on the brink of extinction because the Glu-glu have turned to dark powers for assistance. Speak with the Shim'bur Chieftain and find out what you can Exemplar. Every ally we have is one we do not have to fight.
    The Frognar have been on Alganon for centuries.
    You help Frognar! You save us, we save you! Is deal!



    • 48960 experience
    • 10 50
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 30
    - Requires level 30
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Guardians of the Great Swamp
    2. Fangs, Claws, and Frenzy
    3. Two Tribes at War
    4. Spawn of the Raptor
    5. Blacktooth the Marshstrider