1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Idols of Sandsong


Collect six of the Bless Sandsong Idols from Sandsong Oracles or Worshippers and return them to Ponce.


If you can get close enough to one of the Sandsong Oracles or Worshippers you can see that they are carrying some kind of idol with them. I'm not sure about it's purpose but the Frognar always keep them on hand at all times. Bring one back so we can take a closer look.
Did you get them?
If you hadn't brought these to me I wouldn't have believed that the Frognar where capable of making such objects. This must have something to do with the Lusha that have sprung up recently in the Jagged Isles.


  • None


  • 3130 experience
  • 2 85
Quest Facts

- Level: 19
- Requires level 16
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. The Idols of Sandsong
  2. Whirls in the Water
  3. Seabreeze the Frognar