1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Population Control


Dose the five Fresh Water Wells found in the eastern side of the Samsuun Range with the Vial of Clear Green Liquid.


    It is our belief that the ancestors of the wild tribes here on Aeon may have tried to live normal lives when the dust settled, but obviously things did not work as they had intended. Our scouts have reported the existence of crude wells dug for fresh water around the wooded areas in the Samsuun Range northeast of here. Take this vial and pour a bit of it in each of the five wells found by the scouts. The substance should make them weak and pliable, and thus easier to deal with in the future.
    The poor heathens will soon find the comfort of the dark sleep.
    Now that their water has been tainted, it’s time for us to take the head of the snake and crush their chances of recovering.


    • None


    • 2225 experience
    • 15
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 3
    - Requires level 3
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. The Stranded
    2. Wild and Crazy
    3. Population Control
    4. No Compromise