1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Global Economy


Gather eight Skix Document Cases from the Skix Alliance Scouts.


I have some information that is both disturbing but useful. There is a hostile element from the main continent that have turned their backs on all the gods. They call themselves the Skix, and they are trying to infiltrate Aeon and establish contact with those you refer to as the Lost, the traitors of your own people. Naturally, this may sound like something that is not business worthy, but I seek opportunity wherever I may. Those Skix scouts are known to carry document cases with special properties and that is where I come in. You get to stop the enemy on your home ground from becoming more powerful and I get the cases. A fair deal, wouldn't you say?
Money can never betray you.
You have shown the great potential here on Aeon, and it is the hope of the HUD to establish a working relationship with the Mih'ver for future endeavors.



  • 106280 experience
  • 8 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Merchants of Death
  2. Wheel and Deal
  3. Bear Market
  4. Deals and Contracts
  5. Global Economy