1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Merchants of Death


Kill the Lost Caravan Guards protecting the missing supplies.


Greetings and salutations friend Ourobani. I am Representative Kahy Maart, a sort of goodwill ambassador here on behalf of the HUD. We are a simple guild of merchants who have taken a neutral stance in the dealings of the war and wish only to provide services and open trade routes across all of Alganon, including here on Aeon. If you are not against fair trades and business opportunities, I have a feeling we will be able to be of much aid to one another. While I personally find your land of Aeon to be quite impressive, it is also very dangerous and the standard practice is to hire local talent for more...risky jobs. Risk does bring reward though. Those rebels who turned against Ouroban, your people have been asking for aid in returning supplies and arms taken by them and we have the information that leads to their whereabouts. If you can defeat the ones watching over the supplies, my people can recover the goods, and you will get a handsome fee from us. Everybody wins. Do we have a deal?
I sense we will be doing a good amount of business together you and I.
You are just as skilled as I had heard. Come friend, we have business to discuss.



  • 60000 experience
  • 7 35
Quest Facts

- Level: 20
- Requires level 20
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Merchants of Death
  2. Wheel and Deal
  3. Bear Market
  4. Deals and Contracts
  5. Global Economy