1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Wood Vibrations


Kill a Warfront Ancient.


My studies of the samples you procured have led to a useful discovery. I believe I have located a resonating frequency that will weaken the large Warfront Ancients that serve Triasha. We need to confirm this. Find one of these creatures near Nazrun, and test its strength.
If this works, it will prove a significant advantage.
So you've cut down one of the trees? Give me details - was it weak? Brittle? Slow? Hmm, these things are difficult to measure outside of a controlled environment, but any insight may be helpful.


  • None


  • 50120 experience
  • 87 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 39
- Requires level 37
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Acolyte Assistance
  2. Power Hungry
  3. Conduction Rods
  4. Return to Gerelk
  5. F. E. D. Extracts
  6. Wood Vibrations
  7. Eye Spy
  8. Smoke Them Out
  9. Backward Advance